

Recently, I was fortunate to receive an invitation from Roller Sports Singapore to come and conduct a referee and coach course from March 13th to March 18th. The course was organized by Angela Chng. Invitations were sent to all Asian countries and we were able to attract a wide range of people from outside of Singapore.

It was a pleasure to catch up with Angela and the players who have attended the World Championships in the past from Singapore. I was equally excited to meet new people from other FIRS countries like Macau, China, Taiwan and Pakistan. This week allowed the sport to expand it’s borders and spread out into new areas and regions of Asia.


Pictured above are some of the Officiating participants


On Wednesday (March 14th) we held the first referee theory course under the FIRS banner. We had approximately twenty-five participants. We were in the classroom for about 3.5 hours. Our topics included the philosophy of play, qualities of an official and positioning as well as the rule book. We spent a lot of time on penalty situations penalty applications.



On Thursday we were on the surface for three hours. We did the rules quizzes and reviewed all of the positioning, procedures and answered a million questions about the game. I really enjoyed working with these referees.



Friday, Saturday and Sunday we spent on a coaches course followed by an opportunity to create and run a high tempo practice session. At the conclusion of the practice it was off to the airport and return to   Australia. We spent a lot of time in the classroom comparing inline hockey to other sports and how the philosophy of inline was different to many sports. It was also discovered that many main stream sports played in Singapore had the same ideals as inline hockey.


Pictured above are the coaching course participants


The course established was very similar to the Level 1 coaching course taught in Australia. The group was split into four and each group was asked to teach a skill to the group of coaches (acting as a 10 year old).  The second day was more intense as each group was to plan, organize and conduct a 30 minute practice once again asking them to teach to 10 Year Olds. The groups worked well together.



We were lucky to have the China Inline Hockey Director, Mr. Fu and Mr. Wang in attendance as well as Pedro from Macau who is originally from Portugal. Other international attendees were Mr. Afzal from Pakistan and Mr. Cheng Wei-Chien and Mr. Chen Kuolun from Taiwan.  



I would like to thank all of the participants of both courses and especially Steve Wee Siong the VP of Inline Hockey in Singapore,  Angela Chng and the rest of the local Singapore Inline Hockey community for their hospitality.


L to R; Fu, Afzal, Wang, Young, Siong, Pedro

                Gordon Young

                CIRILH – Referee-in-Chief and Committee Member