Barcelona started the "Roller year" hosting the 1st Rink Hockey International Seminar for referees and coaches in the last weekend of January. More than 100 delegates from 20 countries attended the seminar that touched upon very interesting topics such as Physical Preparation or an in-depth anlisys of the new regulation.
The event took place at the headquarters of the National Institute of Physical Education of Catalonia (INEFC), in the Olympic Park of Montjuïc.
Carmelo Paniagua, World Skate Rink Hockey Technical Commission Chairman: "It has been a great succes in terms of attendance and we are so pleased with the high level of the speakers. We are looking forward to doing again a such amazing experience in the future, sure that we will be able to engage more countries."
At this link you can watch a short video of the seminar on World Skate TV